Powered by LPG,
Powered by People

People are at the core of BW Product Services. We are committed to creating an engaging workplace that is diverse and inclusive, so that employees feel that they belong and can thrive. You will collaborate with ambitious, engaged colleagues who are trusted to deliver on our promises to stakeholders. You can rely on team members to share a wealth of knowledge and experience, and help you pick up new skills along the way.

The Way We Work

  • Ian Phua

    Senior Manager, LPG Trading

    Never a dull day with something new daily in the dynamic nature of the trading world. BWPS encourages creativity, and provides us with autonomy to positively challenge any curveball thrown in our direction.

    Along with the diversity in the organization, everyone is an essential team member, working towards the common goal. We work hard and play hard.

    Ian Phua l BWPS
  • Arancha Ramirez Chueca

    Senior Manager, Risk Management

    My role as Risk Manager involves analysing possible scenarios where we may face negative financial impacts and developing strategies to prevent and mitigate those risks. At BWPS, having robust risk management controls and stress testing is crucial for Management and the organisation as a whole. The multicultural environment within the company is really inspiring and the challenges we face daily allow us to grow professionally and personally.

    Arancha Ramirez
  • Sim Pei Xuan

    Manager, Operations

    As part of operations team, I thoroughly enjoy the fast-paced and dynamic nature of the LPG industry. It's an exciting challenge to coordinate the movement of LPG across the globe, managing everything from scheduling and logistics to compliance and regulatory issues. I find it incredibly rewarding to see the tangible results of our efforts, with LPG arriving safely and on-time to their intended destinations.

    One of the things I appreciate most about working in BWPS is the strong sense of teamwork and collaboration that is required to make everything happen. With so many moving parts, it's essential to communicate effectively and work together to solve problems and overcome obstacles.

    Pei Xuan l BWPS
  • Angelica Cuyno

    Third Engineer

    Female seafarers are still uncommon, and what I do is to ensure that I work hard and show my team mates that I have skills and can add value. A colleague who executes his or her duties and responsibilities well is a valued one, whether male or female. As with any job, there are challenges that comes with it. Do not be scared to swim against the tide. Find your determination, perseverance and resilience.

  • Valerie Lim

    ESG Analyst

    I grew up in a big family where many were involved in all aspects of shipping, and that greatly influenced me. I love the dynamism in shipping, and how it is constantly evolving. The green transition is gaining traction within the maritime industry, and I want to be part of a nascent field of speciality, challenging myself and pursuing a path out of the ordinary.

Do Our Values Resonate
With You?

Are you interested in being a part of an industry that powers the global economy? Bring along your great energy and fresh ideas. We are excited to welcome you to the team – whether onboard or onshore. Our list of vacancies are found below, and we warmly invite you to submit your resume for consideration in the links provided.

Available Positions at BW Product Services

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